The pack includes 20 bass cab impulses, each with 4 character options. Additionally, different lengths are available for each impulse.
The available formats are split into folders as follows:
- The 96k folder includes 96k@24bit WAV mono files. These are the max resolution versions which cover the 20–48000 Hz range.
- The 48k folder includes 48k@24bit WAV mono files (the current industry standard). The frequency range in these impulses is 20–24000 Hz, which is sufficient for all frequencies perceived by humans.
- The 44k folder includes 44.1k@16bit WAV mono files. This is the classic CD quality format. We recommend using those if your impulse player doesn’t support the 48k or 96k formats.
Each of the folders above has 4 subfolders for different impulse lengths:
- The 500 folder includes impulses with the length of 500 ms. Those are the most precise and “spacious” versions.
- The 250 folder includes impulses with the length of 250 ms. Such impulses have high precision and medium “space”.
- The 125 folder includes impulses with the length of 125 ms. Those are highly precise but have the minimum amount of “space”.
- The 20 folder includes impulses with the length of 20 ms. Such impulses lack precision but offer the “driest” sound possible.
Once again, high precision doesn’t necessarily mean the best sound. Each of the lengths provided in the pack can produce great results, so try them all and see what works best for you.