The terms "algorithm" and "program" are used in the UI of the Astronaut V.
- An algorithm is one of the 22 spatial processing algorithms in the pedal, which are tied to memory slots 1-22 (PC 0-21). Algorithms reside in the RV and FX banks, and their positions are fixed. Algorithm positions match the values of the PROGRAM knob. Read more in the Algorithms section.
- A program (also known as patch/preset) is the number and full set of settings for a specific algorithm. Programs are stored in the device's memory. The first 22 programs are linked to the positions of their respective algorithms on the PROGRAM knob. Programs in the UD bank can be freely saved along with their algorithms to any memory slot (PC 22-32).
The pedal boots up in Standard Mode, which scans the device's memory for control values for each program. All saved values are applied. This way, the Astronaut V can be viewed as a collection of saved presets which are available via the PROGRAM knob. Physical controls don't reflect the values stored in the program; however, as soon as you turn a control knob, the UI will save its new value to the program.
The pedal allows you to transfer the current values of all controls to any program slot. This is how you can do that:
- Press and hold the TAP / ALT footswitch (the LED above it will light up in blue).
- Turn the PROGRAM knob to the desired position, then release the TAP / ALT footswitch.
You can also move a program to a different bank:
- Press and hold the TAP / ALT footswitch (the LED above it will light up in blue).
- Set the BANK switch to the desired position.
- Turn the PROGRAM knob to the desired position, then release the TAP / ALT footswitch.
The program will be moved to the new slot as soon as you release the TAP / ALT footswitch. If you wish to cancel the transfer, return to the initial bank & program positions without releasing the TAP /
ALT footswitch.
The UD (
User Defined) bank holds 11 user programs and their respective algorithms.
To save a program to the UD bank, do the following:
- Select the algorithm you wish to transfer.
- Press and hold the TAP / ALT footswitch (the LED above it will light up in blue).
- Set the BANK switch to the UP position.
- Turn the PROGRAM knob to the desired position, then release the TAP / ALT footswitch.
The program and algorithm will be saved as soon as you release the TAP / ALT footswitch.
Programs in the UD bank can be edited and/or overwritten.
If you wish to switch programs via the CTRL input, you can use
Setup Mode which allows you to change the pedal's settings without connecting it to a computer.