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Prism III Support Page

The Prism III is a complex effect pedal featuring 22 processing algorithms.
This page contains detailed info on the pedal's operation and configuration:

Setup Mode

When the Prism III is powered on, it starts in Standard Mode. In order to change parameter values through the pedal's interface, you need to switch it to Setup Mode.

  • To enter Setup Mode, disconnect the pedal from the PSU, hold down the TAP/ALT footswitch, then plug the PSU back into the pedal (while still holding down the footswitch). Both LEDs will light up in magenta for 5 seconds; after that, the interface will display the current settings.
  • To save the settings and exit Setup Mode, press and hold the ON/DETUNE footswitch for over 5 seconds. The pedal will switch to Standard Mode (the ON LED is off). Any changes you've made to the pedal's settings will be saved upon exiting Setup Mode and applied immediately.
  • To exit Setup Mode without saving the settings, disconnect the PSU from the pedal, then reconnect it.
To revert to default settings, perform a Factory Reset.

You can also edit the config file (USER.SET) by connecting the Prism III to a computer over USB.

Setup Mode: Available Settings

After you've entered Setup Mode, you need to select the page containing the parameters you wish to edit.

The settings are split into 3 pages. To select a page, set the BANK switch to the desired position:
  • UP: Global Setup (basic settings).
  • CENTER: MIDI Setup (settings for MIDI operation).
  • DOWN: Expression Pedal Setup.
The Prism III also has settings which are only accessible via the config file. Those include BEAT switch subdivisions and MIDI Channel 12-16 selection. To edit such parameters, connect the pedal to a computer over USB.

Global Setup

While in Setup Mode, set the BANK switch to the UP position.

The ON LED indicates values for parameters set by the FREQ and DEPTH knobs. The ALT LED indicates values for parameters set by the X-MIX and RATE knobs. If a group's parameters are disabled, the LED doesn't light up.

The Global Setup page contains the following parameters:
  • Global "tails" settings (controlled by the FREQ knob):
    • 7:00 (fully CCW): "Tails" are off. The ON LED doesn't flash in blue.
    • 5:00 (fully CW): "Tails" are on (default setting). The ON LED flashes in blue.
  • Settings for the Quick Access function in the main interface (controlled by the DEPTH knob):
    • 7:00 (fully CCW): Quick Access is disabled. The ON LED doesn't flash in green.
    • 5:00 (fully CW): Quick Access is enabled (default setting). The ON LED flashes in green.
  • GUITAR/LINE level settings (controlled by the X-MIX knob):
    • 7:00 (fully CCW): guitar level (default setting). The ALT LED doesn't flash in red.
    • 5:00 (fully CW): line level. The ALT LED flashes in red.
  • CTRL input mode is controlled by the PROGRAM knob. Set the PROGRAM knob to the desired position:
    • 1: Passive controller (normally open momentary button). This mode controls the pedal's footswitches (TIP — TAP/ALT, RING — ON/DETUNE).
    • 2: MIDI (Type A) control over all parameters. This mode is selected by default.
    • 3: S-trigger. "Short circuit trigger", analog trigger/gate with the same polarity as the pedal's. This is the recommended trigger type. The TIP contact controls the TAP function, while the RING contact controls the DETUNE function.
    • 4: V-trigger. "Voltage trigger"/"positive trigger", analog trigger/gate with polarity opposite to the pedal's. If no external signal is coming into the CTRL input, the ALT LED will light up and some of the pedal's functions will be inactive. Those functions become active as soon as the control signal is connected. The TIP contact controls the TAP function, while the RING contact controls the DETUNE function. Use this trigger type if you have no S-trigger source or if you prefer V-triggers for other reasons.
    • 5: Passive expression pedal (10–25kOhm, TS/TRS). This mode allows you to control one of the pedal's knobs (FREQ by default) via an expression pedal. Expression pedals with TS connections are recommended.
    • 6: Passive controller (normally open momentary button) or analog S-trigger. The TIP contact controls the Quick Access function, while the RING contact controls the TAP function.

MIDI Setup

While in Setup Mode, set the BANK switch to the CENTER position.

The ON LED indicates values for parameters set by the FREQ and DEPTH knobs. If a group's parameters are disabled, the LED doesn't light up.

The MIDI Setup page contains the following parameters:
  • MIDI Channel is selected by the PROGRAM knob. The knob's 11 positions correspond to MIDI channels 1-11. The default value is 1. To select MIDI channel 12-16, connect the pedal to a computer over USB.
  • MIDI Clock Messages are controlled by the FREQ knob:
    • 7:00 (fully CCW): Internal clock is used. MIDI Clock messages are ignored. The ON LED doesn't flash in cyan.
    • 5:00 (fully CW): External clock is used. MIDI Clock messages are accepted (default setting). The ON LED flashes in cyan.
  • MIDI Program Change (PC) Messages are controlled by the DEPTH knob (the pedal accepts PC messages 0-32):
    • 7:00 (fully CCW): PC messages are ignored. The ON LED doesn't flash in yellow.
    • 5:00 (fully CW): PC messages are accepted (default setting). The ON LED flashes in yellow.

Expression Pedal Setup

Expression pedals which have a resistance of 10-25kOhm and use a TS (mono) connection are the preferable option. TRS connections may result in a non-linear response from the pedal's controls.

While in Setup Mode, set the BANK switch to the DOWN position.

The Expression Pedal Setup page contains the following parameters:
  • The controlled knob is selected by the PROGRAM knob:
    • 1 — FREQ
    • 2 — RESO
    • 3 — STEREO
    • 4 — DEPTH
    • 5 — REVERB
    • 6 — X-MIX
    • 7 — BOOST
    • 8 — RATE
    • 9 — SCALE
    • 10 — DETUNE
  • Expression pedal type is selected by the FREQ knob:
    • 7:00 (fully CCW): TS (mono). The ON LED flashes in white.
    • 5:00 (fully CW): TRS (stereo). The ON LED flashes in red.
  • Expression pedal calibration is carried out as follows:
    • Enter Setup Mode and proceed to Expression Pedal Setup.
    • Connect the expression pedal to the CTRL input.
    • Set the pedal to the max position (heel up or heel down, whichever you prefer).
    • Set the BEAT switch to the UP position.
    • Press the ALT footswitch.
    • The ALT LED will start flashing in green (this means the maximum value has been set).
    • Set the pedal to the min position (heel up or heel down, whichever you prefer).
    • Set the BEAT switch to the DOWN position.
    • Press the ALT footswitch.
    • The ALT LED will start flashing in green/blue (this means the expression pedal has been calibrated successfully).

Setup Over USB

Setting Up a USB Connection

The Prism III has a USB Type C port (above the power input). You can connect this port to a computer with a USB cable (purchased separately). The USB port on your computer should be USB 2.0 or higher.

NB! Before performing any actions with the PRISM III drive, make sure the cable is fully functional and there are no connection interruptions.

Connect the cables in the following order:
  • Connect the power supply to the Prism III.
  • Connect the Prism III to your computer with a USB Type C cable.
  • If the connection is successful, a PRISM III drive will appear on your computer. This means the pedal is ready for further operations.
  • Before disconnecting the USB cable from the pedal/computer, make sure to safely eject the drive first.
  • Do not disconnect the USB cable until all operations with the PRISM III drive have been finished!


The device's flash drive has a SETUP folder which contains the USER.SET config file. The file can be viewed and edited in any text editor: simply right-click on the file and select an editor to open it with (you can also configure your system to open *.SET files with your text editor of choice).

The USER.SET file is a set of configurations which the pedal accepts to edit the sound processing programs. The parameters have names starting with the # symbol (e.g. #BEAT_UP). Changing parameter names is not allowed. You can only change numeric parameter values (e.g. 1.0000) following the instructions in this guide. Make sure to save the USER.SET file after you've made the necessary changes. Those changes will be applied after a power cycle (disconnecting the power from the pedal, then reconnecting it).

While editing the USER.SET file can go wrong (by entering improper values or erasing vital data, for instance), no harm will be done to the pedal itself. Simply delete the "bad" file, eject the Prism III drive, unplug the power supply from the pedal, then plug it back in. This will make the Prism III generate the default config file again.

The SETUP folder also has a P3.SET file with granular control over all the algorithms of the Prism III. We'll publish a description of the functions and parameters found in P3.SET on this page in the future; until then, please avoid editing the contents of P3.SET.

Saving Parameters and Settings

Any changes you've made to the USER.SET file will be applied as soon as you save the file and perform a power cycle (disconnect the PSU from the Prism III, then reconnect it). The settings saved in the USER.SET file will remain there until the file is deleted or changed in Setup Mode. Feel free to save a backup copy of the USER.SET file on a different drive if needed. The pedal also allows you to upload settings by swapping the entire USER.SET file (interface settings) or P3.SET file (algorithm settings). Make sure not to change the file names.

Reverting to Default Settings

If you've edited the config files (USER.SET and/or P3.SET) and wish to revert to default settings, you can easily restore the default files. Simply delete the unwanted config file(s) from the SETUP folder, and the pedal will go back to factory settings as soon as you perform a power cycle (disconnect the PSU from the Prism III, then reconnect it).

MIDI Control Setup

The stability of MIDI Clock messages depends on the source, which may or may not be perfect (particularly when Clock and CC messages are transmitted simultaneously). For best performance, the interval between two consecutive messages should be set accordingly. We recommend setting the CC message interval to 17ms.

The Prism III is connected to the MIDI source via a MIDI Type A 6.3mm TRS jack. The wiring scheme is as follows:
MIDI 4 (Source) > TRS RING,
MIDI 2 (Shield) > TRS SLEEVE,
MIDI 5 (Sink) > TRS TIP.

Read more about MIDI standards here.

NB! The DIN5 standard allows two connection types. Depending on the viewing angle, the pins may look reversed. DIN5 connector pins have numeric signifiers; please refer to those in order to avoid any issues.

MIDI Implementation Chart

Factory Reset

While in Setup Mode, press and hold the ON/DETUNE and TAP/ALT footswitches until both LEDs light up in red. As soon as the factory reset is finished, the pedal will return to standard mode (the ON LED doesn't glow). Don't disconnect the power supply from the pedal until the factory reset has been finished!

NB! The device's internal memory is formatted as part of the factory reset process. Make sure to save any config files or other data you wish to keep to another drive before starting the reset.

Service Commands

The Prism III supports service commands. To issue a command, create a folder or file with a specific name in the root folder of the PRISM III drive, then perform a power cycle (disconnect the PSU from the Prism III, then reconnect it).

Available commands:
  • ver: creates a P3_VER.TXT file which contains firmware version info.
  • export: saves the settings for all 33 programs to a PRESETS.TXT file. You can then use that file to restore the needed settings.
  • import: imports settings from PRESETS.TXT. To start the import process, place the PRESETS.TXT file into the root folder of the PRISM III drive, then create a folder or file named import.
  • reset: performs a factory reset (reverting to default settings and programs).
You can also use a knobs.set file to import all program settings. Rename PRESETS.TXT to knobs.set and save the changes. To restore program settings, place the knobs.set file into the root folder of the PRISM III drive. The pedal will import the settings and erase the knobs.set file.